Terminal Tingo Maria Bus

Book Terminal Tingo Maria Bus Tickets

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Book Terminal Tingo Maria - Bus Tickets

The Terminal Tingo María is located in the department of Huánuco. Is one of the terminals of the zone, but it differs from others because of its cleaning and large number of schedules, thus becoming the favorite of tourists.

Popular Bus Operators in Terminal Tingo Maria

There are a number of operators who provide valuable transport services in Terminal Tingo Maria. Every bus comes with neat and clean interiors. They also ensure that every passenger's comfort and safety is a top priority at all times. Some of the popular bus operators are:

Address of the Terminal Tingo Maria

â–  Address of the Terminal Tingo MarĂ­a: Calle Callao, Tingo MarĂ­a.

How to reach Terminal Tingo Maria?

By Taxi: Reaching the Terminal Tingo MarĂ­a in taxi is simple. You can take a taxi in the street or ask in the reception of your hotel for one. Just remember that even though this service is fast, you need to take precautions.

By public transport: If you want to go to Terminal Tingo MarĂ­a in public transport, we recommend you to take one that goes to Raymondi avenue. The terminal is located in the same avenue, so you won't have problems finding it.


How can I know the bus operators that go to or from Terminal Tingo Maria?
In redBus, you can find that information in the section of Popular Bus Operators. There you’ll find the popular bus operators which we work with and that go to or from Terminal Tingo Maria.
Can I choose the type of bus with which I want to travel?
Of course you can! You’ll see the many options that the bus operators offer when you complete the search bar with your pick up point, destiny and onward date.
How can I buy my tickets to Terminal Tingo Maria with redBus?
The process is very easy. Go to the search bar and write Terminal Tingo Maria in the pick-up point or destination, then select your travel date and click the search button. redBus will show you the different options to travel, you just need to pick the bus operator of your preference, your schedule and buy!
Do I need to carry my tickets once I have bought it through the mobile app of redBus?
It is not necessary. When buying with redBus, a ticket in digital format will arrive in your inbox. The day of your travel, go to the terminal and search the counter of the bus operator, present the ticket we send you and the bus operator will give you another one.
What happens if the bus does not leave at the time my ticket dictates and / or is canceled?
These logistical problems and their solutions need to be consulted directly in the counter of the bus operator.
I forgot to buy my return ticket, where will I find counter that can help me?
The vast majority of terminals have an area for buying and selling tickets. There you can buy your return ticket with the company of your choice. You can also buy your return ticket through the redBus mobile app, it is easy, fast and you do not need to register. In addition, we accept various payment methods.
How many hours in advance should I buy my ticket?
This information varies depending of the policies of each bus operator and the number of seats available. Our recommendation is to buy your ticket two days in advance.
How many hours in advance should I be in Terminal Tingo Maria to change my e-ticket?
It is recommended to be with 1 hour in advance at the counter of Terminal Tingo Maria to be able to change your ticket of redBus for that of the bus operator.
Do I need to make an account on the redBus website to buy a bus ticket?
No, you do not need to make an account with redBus to book a ticket. But it is advisable to make an account to help speed up the buying process the next time you want to travel. Also, redBus offers a number of discounts and offers which you can easily access and use if you are registered.

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Terminal Tingo Maria Buses Information

Bus operators asociated with redBus that operate in the Terminal Tingo MarĂ­a: There are X bus operators asociated with redBus serving daily on the Terminal Tingo MarĂ­a.

How many buses reach to on daily basis?What are the bus types you avail at Terminal Tingo María?: Economic Buses (120°), Semi Bed Buses(145°), Bed Buses (160°), Super Bed Buses (180°).

Amenities at Terminal Tingo Maria

Terminal Tingo MarĂ­a has ticketing, waiting room, luggage storage facilities, touring center, cafeteria, ATM, bathrooms and security staff.