Route | First Bus | Last Bus | |
Lima to Chimbote | 00:00 | 23:50 | BOOK NOW |
Chimbote to Lima | 13:00 | 23:15 | BOOK NOW |
Lima to Trujillo | 21:30 | 22:20 | BOOK NOW |
Use the search engine and find your Cruz del Norte bus tickets. We recommend you buying Cruz del Norte bus tickets online quickly! It is safer, faster, and you do not need to print your ticket or register at a travel agency.
Route | Lowest ticket price (*) | Average travel time (approx.) |
Lima to Trujillo | S/.45.00 | 9 hours |
Trujillo to Lima | S/.45.00 | 9 hours |
Lima to Chimbote | S/.40.00 | 7 hours |
Chimbote to Lima | S/.40.00 | 7 hours |
The prices shown in the table are the prices found for the day 20/04/2024, these prices are modified day by day so they should only be taken as a reference. In addition, the company can modify them without prior notice and they will not be immediately reflected on our website.
Cruz del Norte is a Chimbotean company founded in 2001. Since then, the company offers interprovincial transport services to different destinations. The company has renewed its fleet and offers different types of service, these being more accessible, comfortable, and modern to the public.
Cruz Del Norte's most important destinations:
The Cruz del Norte company has state-of-the-art buses, with internationally renowned models and brands such as SCANIA, MERCEDES BENZ, MARCOPOLO, etc., and they are designed to provide you with maximum comfort and entertainment on board. In addition, all the company's buses are configured with all the regulations that are required by the Peruvian Ministry of Transport and Communications, therefore they provide the necessary security to travel our country.
The Cruz del Norte Transport company has several popular destinations for those who travel for pleasure and/or for work, linking the main destinations among which the routes stand out: Chiclayo, Trujillo, Nuevo Chimbote, etc. Remember that your itinerary It is available through its website and up to a month in advance, so you can buy your bus ticket with enough time to choose the best seats.
You can cancel your Cruz del Norte bus ticket until 24 hours before the trip. For more information about cancellations and reschedules, you can contact the bus company.
● Economico: Direct service, performed in single-deck buses with comfortable reclining seats and a video system. It offers the passenger the same security and punctuality as our special services, at cheaper rates on routes to the north of the country.
● Buscama: Direct service, performed by double-decker buses that have wide and comfortable wide seats, on both levels, covered in leather, Sofa-Bed type, with leg rest system, a distance of 68 cm. between seats and recline of 180º. This service offers complete and efficient attention on board by the attendants, pads, blankets, background music, movies, personal reading light, air conditioning, and bathroom.
● Supervip: Direct service, performed by double-decker buses that have wide and comfortable wide seats, on both levels, covered in leather, bed type, with leg rest system, a distance of 75 cm. between seats and recline of 150º. We have individual seats, which make your trip more pleasant.
● VIP: Direct service, carried out by double-decker buses that have wide and comfortable seats, on both levels, covered in leather, sofa-bed type, with leg rest system, a distance of 68 cm. between seats and recline of 180º. We have individual seats, which make your trip more pleasant. This service offers complete and efficient attention on board in charge of attendants, pads, blankets, background music, films, personal reading light, air conditioning, and bathroom.
● Telephone ☎: 51 (043)342757
● Email ✉:
Cruz del Norte is a well-known company that defines itself by its desire to satisfy the needs and expectations of passengers who use long-distance buses to travel. Cruz del Norte is backed by a fleet of modern buses and is supported by a professional team who are highly trained. The operator strives to provide quality service that encapsulates their punctuality, concern for safety, and comfort.
Find great ticket offers and get cheap tickets of Cruz del Norte with redBus. Thanks to redBus payment methods, buy tickets to travel on Bus it's fast and safe. Also, you don't need to print your tickets and/or register.