Route | First Bus | Last Bus | |
Lima to Churín | 05:30 | 20:30 | BOOK NOW |
Churín to Lima | 04:30 | 20:30 | BOOK NOW |
Lima to Oyón | 05:30 | 20:30 | BOOK NOW |
Lima to Sayán | 05:30 | 20:30 | BOOK NOW |
Lima to Yanahuanca | 06:30 | 19:30 | BOOK NOW |
Use the search engine and find your Cruzero Express bus tickets. We recommend you buying Cruzero Express bus tickets online quickly! It is safer, faster, and you do not need to print your ticket or register at a travel agency.
● Telephone ☎: (01) 4262048
● Email ✉:
Route | Lowest ticket price (*) | Average travel time |
Lima to Churin | S/25.00 | 4 hours and 30 minutes |
Lima to Oyon | S/25.00 | 5 hours |
Oyon to Lima | S/25.00 | 5 hours |
Lima to Sayan | S/25.00 | 3 hours and 30 minutes |
Lima to Yanahuanca | S/50.00 | 9 hours |
Sayan to Lima | S/25.00 | 3 hours and 30 minutes |
Yanahuanca to Lima | S/50.00 | 9 hours |
The prices shown in the table are the prices found for the day 02/10/25, these prices are modified day by day so they should only be taken as a reference. In addition, the company can modify them without prior notice and they will not be immediately reflected on our website.
Cruzero Express is a company that began its services with the route Churin - Oyon as Turismo Apostoll Santiago and in 2014 the company changed its business name as is known nowadays. It aims to provide a better service to its customers, so the company has renewed its fleet and has opened new routes that have allowed it to position itself in the North of Peru. It provides security, comfort, and good treatment to its customers.
Service | Floor | Amenities |
Economico | 1 | Reclinable seats to 120°, air conditioning, reading light, TV, music, restroom, Wifi |
Bus Cama | 1 | Reclinable seats to 180°, air conditioning, reading light, electrical outlet, TV, music, Wifi, restroom |
Bus Cama | 2 | Reclinable seats to 150°, air conditioning, reading light, TV, music, Wifi, restroom |
Focused on the passengers' safety, Cruzero Express has a modern bus fleet that meets the safety protocols and the clients' expectations. The buses are equipped with GPS for the tracking during the trip, and first aid kits to attend any emergency.
Cruzero Express covers routes that connect Lima with cities like Churin, Oyon, and Churin. Cruzero Express' main routes are:
● Lima to Churin
● Lima to Oyon
● Lima to Yanahuanca
The company has 2 services, Economico and Bus Cama. On the Economico service you will find reclinable seats to 120°, air conditioning, restroom, reading light, TV, and music. The bus also is equipped with GPS in order to guarantee the passengers' safety throughout the trip. The Bus Cama or Cruzero VIP service on the other hand, is a two floor bus that offers reclinable leather seats on both floors, Wifi, electrical outlets on the first floor, TV screens, music, and restroom.
Cruzero Express does not cancel any bus ticket. If you want to reschedule your ticket, please contact the bus company directly.