Route | First Bus | Last Bus | |
Lima to Huaraz | 13:00 | 22:45 | BOOK NOW |
Huaraz to Lima | 12:30 | 22:45 | BOOK NOW |
Trujillo to Huaraz | 21:00 | 21:00 | BOOK NOW |
Huaraz to Trujillo | 22:00 | 22:00 | BOOK NOW |
Lima to Huari | 18:30 | 18:30 | BOOK NOW |
Use the search engine and find your Transportes Julio Cesar bus tickets. We recommend you buying Transportes Julio Cesar bus tickets online quickly! It is safer, faster, and you do not need to print your ticket or register at a travel agency.
Route | Lowest ticket price (*) | Average travel time |
Lima to Huaraz | S/.76.50 | 8 hours |
Huaraz to Lima | S/.85.50 | 8 hours |
Huaraz to Trujillo | S/.54.00 | 8 hours |
Lima to Caraz | S/.58.50 | 11 hours |
Lima to Chavin | S/.58.50 | 10 hours and a half |
Lima to Huari | S/.66.00 | 12 hours |
Caraz to Lima | S/.54.00 | 10 hours |
Huari to Lima | S/.58.50 | 11 hours |
Huaraz to Trujillo | S/.54.00 | 8 hours |
The prices shown in the table are the prices found for the day 19/01/24, these prices are modified day by day so they should only be taken as a reference. In addition, the company can modify them without prior notice and they will not be immediately reflected on our website.
Transportes Julio Cesar is a well-known company that defines itself by its desire to satisfy the needs and expectations of passengers who use long-distance buses to travel. Transportes Julio Cesar is backed by a fleet of modern buses and is supported by a professional team who are highly trained. The operator strives to provide quality service that encapsulates their punctuality, concern for safety, and comfort.
Transportes Julio César is a bus company founded in 1948 in the department of Ancash. It started with the purchase of a Dogde 300 car in which groceries were distributed. As time went by, the business expanded and it was possible to buy two other trucks with which they started transporting heavy loads. Sometime later, when the interprovincial transport business started and became popular, Transportes Julio César entered this field. Currently, it is one of the most solid companies in the Peruvian market, with 16 units and 3 terminals distributed in Lima, Huaraz, and Trujillo.
Service | Floor | Amenities |
Emperador | 1 | Reclinable seats to 160°, air conditioning, onboard services, USB charger, Wifi, TV, music, restroom |
Emperador | 2 | Reclinable seats to 145°, air conditioning, onboard services, USB charger, Wifi, TV, music, restroom |
Emperador VIP | 1 | Reclinable seats to 160°, air conditioning, onboard services, USB charger, Wifi, TV, music, restroom, pillows, blankets |
Emperador VIP | 2 | Reclinable seats to 160°, air conditioning, onboard services, USB charger, Wifi, TV, music, restroom, pillows, blankets |
Especial | 1 | Reclinable seats, air conditioning, TV, music |
Especial | 2 | Reclinable seats, air conditioning, TV, music |
As the responsible company that Transportes Julio Cesar is, caring for the well-being of its clients, The bus company complies with each of its buses with the following protocols: continuous training for the cleaning and prevention measures dictated by the Ministry of Health, the use of convertible gloves by the bus crew and use of antibacterial gel during all services. In this way, Transportes Julio César is committed to taking care of all the clients who want to travel with them and seeks to make them feel safe so that they can reach their homes safe and sound.
At the start of its operations, Transportes Julio César had three main destinations: Lima, Ancash, and Trujillo. With the passage of time and the expansion of the business, the administration realized that there were many destinations between these three main points and enabled them. That is why today stops are made, to help those Peruvians who have to go to these other destinations either for work, family or tourism. Currently, Transportes Julio César is going to ten destinations. These are Lima, Huaraz, Carhuaz, Yungay, Caraz, Chimbote, Trujillo, Chavin, San Marcos and Huari.
Transportes Julio César has three services that distinguish it from other transport companies. The first is called Especial, which consists of a double-decker panoramic bus where you can enjoy the reproduction of a film and a chemical toilet. There is also the Emperador service, which is a double-decker bus that has 145º and 160º reclining seats. In addition, it also has air conditioning, snack, USB chargers, movie and GPS tracking. Finally there is Vip Emperador, the most exclusive of all. On both floors there are 160º reclining seats, blankets and pillows, USB input, chemical toilet and movie.
● Telephone ☎: 943530239
● Email ✉:
You can ask for the cancellation of your Transportes Julio Cesar bus ticket without penalty fees until 24 hours before the trip. Also, it is possible to reschedule up to 8 hours before boarding the bus. For more information, you can contact the bus company.
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