Buy Allinbus bus tickets from Los Olivos to Huaraz
Use the search engine and find your Allinbus bus tickets from Los Olivos to Huaraz in redBus. We recommend you buying Allinbus bus tickets online quickly! It is safer, faster, and you do not need to print your ticket or register at a travel agency.
Allinbus Bus Company
Allinbus offers an optimal transportation service, which aspires to expect the expectations of its clients. The company's services are characterized for its personalized attention, kindness, efficiency, comfort, security and higiene in its buses. Allinbus has a modern fleet of SCANIA buses, built in 2016. The buses go through maintenance before each departure in order to guarantee security and tranquility to the passengers. Additionally, they are tracked by GPS 24 hours a day.
Information Contact of Allinbus
● LIMA: Av. Universitaria Norte Norte NºA10 - Los Olivos. Telf: 979705535.
● ÁNCASH: Huaraz; Jirón Eduardo Lucar y Torre Nº446. Telf: 940181046.
What to do during the Los Olivos to Huaraz route on Allinbus buses?
Reclinable Seats up to 160° (First Floor), Reclinable Seats up to 145°, Hostess on board, Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner depending on the schedule of the trip, Snacks, Foldable Tables, Blankets, Pillows, Individual Screens with, Streamed Content, Reading Lights, TV/Music, Air, Conditioning, Toilets, USB Chargers and electric plugs (First Floor).
Tourist attractions of Huaraz
Callejón de Huaylas. It is located between the Black Montain Range and the White Montain Range. It is a valley where many communities like Recuay, Yungay or Caraz live.
Huascarán National Park. Here is the Huascarán, the highest snow montain in Peru with 6768 meters above sea level. You can also find the Llanganuco Lagoons, which are two lagoons with crystal clear waters.
Chavin de Huantar. Here is the ceremonial building of the Chavín culture, the most important of the pre-Inca period.
Pastoruri. It is a snowfall with 5150 meters above the sea level, one of the highest in Peru. Here you can do different extreme sports such as climbing, cycling and skiing.