Motupillo is a populated center in the province of Ferreñafe and is located in northern Peru, in the Lambayeque region. It was created in 2013 with the district of Pítipo. It is a small town but it has different natural areas. In recent years, they have expanded their educational areas to give their inhabitants greater opportunity.
Time of travel from Lima to Motupillo
From Lima to Motupillo there is a distance of 825 kilometers. The journey from one end to the other lasts around 14 hours and the bus passes through beautiful places such as Chimbote, Trujillo and Chiclayo, where with luck you can make a couple of stops to rest and enjoy the view.
Climate of Motupillo
Motupillo is a town with hot weather. It always has a present sun, with a couple of clouds around it, and with a high temperature (which usually does not fall below 29 ° C during the day). Usually the afternoon here is long, since it lasts until about 6:30, and the moon usually appears around 7:30.
Hotels in Motupillo
We currently do not have this information.
Restaurants & Bars in Motupillo
● Antojitos al paso
- Address: Motupillo.
- Services: A small restaurant on the road that serves excellent national dishes. You must visit it yes or yes on your trip to motupillo.
The most tourist places in Motupillo
We currently do not have this information.
Important city dates of Motupillo
● Feast of the Lord of Justice - April 25th and October 26th: This event is so great that it is held twice, once to start the year and once to end it. Honor is given to Jesus Christ at the time he is judged by Pontius Pilate, hence he wears a crown of thorns.
● Festivity of Saint Lucia - September 16th: Saint Lucia is also known as the patron saint of sight. He is known as a martyr because he was arrested for his religion.
How to move around Motupillo?
To move around in Motupillo, the tourist has 2 options: public bus, commonly regulated by the municipality or the authority in charge, or taxi, driven by a citizen who provides the service.
● Public bus: It is the most popular way of transporting within the city, as well as being very economical. The fare, also called a ticket, does not usually go up from S/5 per person. The public bus has different stops where it picks up passengers, so the trip can be a bit slow.
● Taxi: This is the fastest way of transport within the city. It does not have stops, so it goes straight to the desired destination. You can contact it on the avenue or by calling a company or through an application. The rate here is usually higher, usually exceeding S/10.
How to get to Motupillo?
● Motupillo by bus: Getting to Motupillo by bus implies a 2-way trip. The first is to go to Lambayeque, where the traveler must take a second bus to Motupillo.
● Motupillo by train: There is currently no train arriving in Motupillo due to the few roads that Peru has.
● Motupillo by plane: There is still no direct connection to Motupillo, but you can go by plane to Chiclayo and from here take a bus to Motupillo.
Terminals in Lima and Motupillo
Departure Terminal
● Terminal Plaza Norte (Terminal Plaza Norte).
Arrival Terminal
● Terminal Motupillo (Avenida Incahuasi #196).
Operators of the route Lima to Motupillo
● Transportes Pasamayo.