Book Terminal Chala - Bus Tickets
Located in Arequipa, Terminal Chala is one of the few terminals built in this part of Perú. It was created in order to provide more boarding points and landing points to the many tourists that visit every month.
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Located in Arequipa, Terminal Chala is one of the few terminals built in this part of Perú. It was created in order to provide more boarding points and landing points to the many tourists that visit every month.
There are a number of operators who provide valuable transport services in Terminal Chala. Every bus comes with neat and clean interiors. They also ensure that every passenger's comfort and safety is a top priority at all times. Some of the popular bus operators are:
■Address of the Terminal Chala: Chala, Perú.
By Taxi: The taxi is a classic way of transport in Perú. Many people ask for one through a mobile app while others stop one in the nearest street. Before boarding one, make sure to ask for the rate, this way you'll avoid misundertanding.
By public transport: It's impossible to reach the Terminal Chala by public transport.
Bus operators asociated with redBus that operate in the Terminal Chala: There are 2 bus operators asociated with redBus serving daily on the Terminal Chala.
How many buses reach to on daily basis?What are the bus types you avail at Terminal Chala?: Economic Buses (120°), Semi Bed Buses(145°), Bed Buses (160°), Super Bed Buses (180°).
Terminal Chala has ticketing, waiting room, luggage storage facilities, touring center, cafeteria, ATM, bathrooms and security staff.