About Ruinas de Chavin de Huantar
Chavin de Huantar is an archaeological site located in the Chavin de Huantar district, in the province of Huari, in the Ancash department. In 1985 it was declared a World Heritage Site because its historical importance. The archaeological site is located in the confluence of the rivers Huacheksa and Mosna, in the upper basin of the Marañon river. This place was a traffic point for the preinca people from the coast to the amazon area. For that reason, this place became very important for the collection of products and the exchange of goods. It is considered the most important pilgrimage center of the Andean world. Chavin de Huantar was built approximately between the years 1500 and 300 b.C, and it consolidated as an administrative and religious center of the Chavin culture. Their structures are elaborated with stone and clay mortar.Currently, it is very visited by tourists from different parts of the world.