About Laguna de Llanganuco
The Llanganuco lagoons are located in the province of Yungay, in the Quebrada of Llanganuco, and are part of the Huascarán National Park. The lagoons are named Orconcha (the male lagoon) and Chinancocha (the female lagoon). Both are separated by one kilometer. Orconcha is at 10 meters above the sea above Chinancocha, that is at 3860 meters above the sea. There are some underground tunnels that connect both lagoons, this is why people believe that they symbolize a mating ritual. The lagoons have a beautiful turquoise color and you can find a lot of biodiversity in the surroundings. The weather in the Llanganuco lagoons is cold and dry. Even thought the temperature can increase during the morning, always bring a jacket with you.