Buy Carhuamayo Bus Tickets
Use the search engine and find your Carhuamayo bus tickets. We recommend you buying Carhuamayo bus tickets online quickly! It is safer, faster, and you do not need to print your ticket or register at a travel agency.
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Use the search engine and find your Carhuamayo bus tickets. We recommend you buying Carhuamayo bus tickets online quickly! It is safer, faster, and you do not need to print your ticket or register at a travel agency.
The transportation company Turismo Carhuamayo starts the service with the route Lima - Cerro de Pasco on April 19th 2000. Nowadays, this company still provides the passenger transportation service to cities of the central jungle as La Merced and the unanswerable city of Huancayo. The company has a fleet of modern buses of 6th and 7th generations, besides highly qualified drivers.
☎ Telephone number of Carhuamayo: 330 7291. Address: Jr. Luna Pizarro 145, oficina 106, Lima.
With the redBus app you can buy your bus tickets directly from your cell phone and take advantage of our latest offers and promotions, we assure you that our app helps you have a great shopping experience!
You can get it for Google Play (Android) here and for App Store (IOS) here.
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