Bus From Terminal Terrestre Wari
24 bus optionsFirst Bus : 09:00Last Bus : 21:45VIEW PRICE12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728
2 bus optionsFirst Bus : 20:30Last Bus : 21:00VIEW PRICE12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728
1 bus optionsFirst Bus : 20:15Last Bus : 20:15VIEW PRICE12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728
Bus To Terminal Terrestre Wari
27 bus optionsFirst Bus : 08:45Last Bus : 21:30VIEW PRICE12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728
3 bus optionsFirst Bus : 20:00Last Bus : 21:30VIEW PRICE12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728
1 bus optionsFirst Bus : 20:15Last Bus : 20:15VIEW PRICE12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728
Book Terminal Terrestre Wari / Terminal Terrestre de Ayacucho - Bus Tickets
The Terminal Plaza Wari, sometimes called "Terminal Terrestre de Ayacucho" too, is known in the department of Ayacucho because of its modernity and speed. It has two floors and counts with every type of services for its clients.
Address of the Terminal Terrestre Wari - Terminal Terrestre de Ayacucho.
â– Address of the Terminal Terrestre Wari: Javier Perez de Cuellar S/N, Ayacucho.
Terminal Terrestre Wari Buses Information
Bus operators asociated with redBus that operate in the Terminal Terrestre Wari: There are 10 bus operators asociated with redBus serving daily on the Terminal Terrestre Wari.
What are the bus types you avail at Terminal Terrestre Wari?: Economic Buses (120 °), Semi Bed Buses(145°), Bed Buses (160°), Super Bed Buses (180°)
How to reach Terminal Terrestre Wari?
By Taxi: If you want to have all the amenities during your way to Terminal Way, then no hesitate in taking a taxi. You can find some on the street or you can request it to a company of your trust. The delay time depends of the distant of the hotel to the terminal, but usually it's not more of 30 minutes.
By public transport: If you desire an economic choice to reach the Terminal Wari, going in public transportation is a great choice. Before taking a public bus, ask the driver if the route includes the Perez de Cuellas avenue. You'll need to step down at the end of that avenue and walk less than 5 minutes.
Amenities at Terminal Terrestre Wari
Terminal Terrestre Wari has ticketing, waiting room, luggage storage facilities, touring center, cafeteria, ATM, bathrooms and security staff.
Lugares Cercanos al Terminal de Terminal Terrestre Wari