Bus From Terminal Terrestre Municipal
16 bus optionsFirst Bus : 18:30Last Bus : 21:00VIEW PRICE12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728
Bus To Terminal Terrestre Municipal
17 bus optionsFirst Bus : 18:10Last Bus : 22:15VIEW PRICE12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728
Book Terminal Terrestre Municipal - Bus Tickets
The Terminal Terrestre Municipal is located in Satipo and is for many one of the most important terminals of the zone. It beguns operations because of the high demand of passengers, both national and foreign.
Address of the Terminal Terrestre Municipal
■ Address of the Terminal Terrestre Municipal: Jirón Agricultura 526, Satipo.
Terminal Terrestre Municipal Buses Information
What are the bus types you avail at Terminal Terrestre Municipal?: Economic Buses (120 °), Semi Bed Buses(145°), Bed Buses (160°), Super Bed Buses (180°)
How to reach Terminal Terrestre Municipal?
By Taxi: Si requieres de un servicio privado que brinde diversas facilidades, entonces te recomendamos el taxi, un transporte manejado por un conductor que suele ser directo y rápido. Puedes adquirir uno a través de una aplicación o puedes encontrar uno recorriendo las pistas.
By public transport: For some tourists the public transport is the best option to reach the Terminal Terrestre Municipal because of its cheap fare. To avoid the traffic, we advised you to leave your hotel with half an hour of anticipation.
Amenities at Terminal Terrestre Municipal
Terminal Terrestre Municipal has ticketing, waiting room, luggage storage facilities, touring center, cafeteria, ATM, bathrooms and security staff.