Bus To Terminal Terrestre Sicuani
1 bus optionsFirst Bus : 20:00Last Bus : 20:00VIEW PRICE12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728
1 bus optionsFirst Bus : 22:00Last Bus : 22:00VIEW PRICE12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728
Book Terminal Terrestre Sicuani - Bus Tickets
The Terminal Terrestre Sicuani aims at promoting the tourism within Peru and offering the best services at its clients. That is why it is always up to date with security policies and has modern infrastructure.
Address of the Terminal Terrestre Sicuani
â– Address of the Terminal Terrestre Sicuani: Corner of Arequipa / C. Alvarez.
How to reach Terminal Terrestre Sicuani?
By Taxi: Contact with a taxi through a mobile app and ask the driver to pick you up at the hotel's door. This service is perfect for those travellers than need to rest or just want comfort. The fare varies and it depends on the distance of the hotel to the terminal besides the traffic.
By public transport: Some travelers move in public transport because it's a great way of touring and it's cheap. It's a great option for those who have few bags and want to tour some more for the last time before departing.
Terminal Terrestre Sicuani Buses Information
Bus operators asociated with redBus that operate in the Terminal Terrestre Sicuani: There is 1 bus operator asociated with redBus serving daily on the Terminal Terrestre Sicuani.
What are the bus types you avail at Terminal Terrestre Sicuani?: Economic Buses (120°), Semi Bed Buses(145°), Bed Buses (160°), Super Bed Buses (180°).
Amenities at Terminal Terrestre Sicuani
Terminal Terrestre Sicuani has ticketing, waiting room, luggage storage facilities, touring center, cafeteria, ATM, bathrooms and security staff.